Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's a good thing my husband doesn't have a foot fetish...

Here are my swollen-ass Fred Flinstone Feet after a long day. Notice how they puff out of the Birkenstocks they are squeezed into? Also, observe my cankle rolls. Yes, it's possible to have cankles on your cankles.

Nooooow, I'd like you to notice how after the Birkenstock is removed, it still appears that I am wearing Birkenstocks. Buckles and all.

Looooove it.
Oh, and just for reference... this is what my feet NORMALLY look like.


I am officially in awe of what my husband and I have created. My son is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I'm in love and I haven't even met him yet. I'd introduce you more formally, but he still has no name.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Checking In.

I haven't disappeared, I swear!

Crazy thing is that I think about this blog every day and think of all the things I wish I could post as they come up. Shitty that I can't blog from work. :(

Okay... just some updates and then I'll write more this weekend, and post new pictures.

I took my 1-hour Glucose Test for Gestational Diabetes about 2 weeks ago, and FAILED!


So, then I had to go back to lab corps to do the 3-hour test (turned into 4 hours total). I had to fast for 12 hours, then go in and have my blood drawn 4 times over a period of 3 hours after drinking the crappy sugar drink.

Suuuuuper fun.

I worried like crazy. They told me that since I fasted before my 1-hour test and still came up high, then I'd most likely have Gestational Diabetes.

So, yesterday afternoon I got the call from the doctor's office...

My test results came out perfect! Yay!!!

The lady told me to go celebrate with a cookie.

I informed her that I was already eating a piece of cake. :)

Hmm... what else?

Have been dealing with some major stress with my family, which has led to battling some major depression there for a bit. Will write more about that later.

My first baby shower is tomorrow at work! I can't wait!!! YAY!!!!!!

Okay, off to bed, now... I'm exhausted. I have to save all my energy for mass consumption of junk food at the baby shower tomorrow.

Priorities, people...

Monday, April 6, 2009

"The Kid"

As of right now, our unborn son is being referred to as "the kid." (Mind you, this is used equally as often as "the baby," so don't go thinking us heartless parents or anything drastic like that.)

Why are we calling him this, you ask?

Because we can't agree on an f-ing name, that's why.

The newest saga in this whole argument?

The fact that my husband wants to name our child "Marshall Junior."

Okay, so I get the whole idea that it's a man-thing to want to have your first son carry on a part of you and blah blah blah. BUT. It also leads to all sorts of bullshit, like having your credit reports get mixed up, having your medical records get mixed up, etc. My brother is a junior to my father, and they vehemently argue against it now, saying that it's a HUGE pain in the ass mistake.

In addition.

I just don't like it. Why?

Number 1: We wouldn't call him "Marshall." That is my husbands name, and most importantly that is the name I call out during sex. I WILL NOT call my son Marshall for that very reason.

Number 2: The alternative to calling him "Marshall" is to call him one of the following: "Marshall Junior," "Junior," "J.R.," or "M.J." I HATE all of those. Why in the hell would I name my child something but call him something else? "Junior" makes me think of nothing else but hicksville trailer trash and I might as well doom him to a mullet and coveralls (I truly apologize if you call your child Junior. I just can't help the name association). And M.J.? Are you fucking kidding me? That's the chick from Spiderman. I don't care if it's the same initials as Michael Jordan. It's gay and I won't call my child that.

Number 3: Our child is already getting the middle name "Dale" which is my husband's middle name and a family name he wants to pass down. Okay, I get it, that's fine. And he'll have my husband's last name. Again, fine, it's my last name now too. But wtf?! Can't our child have SOMETHING in his name that has ANYTHING to do with ME?! I obviously don't want to name our son "Sarah Junior"... Duh, that's not what I mean. I just mean that I want his name to have some part of me, even if it's just that I get to help pick it.

Number 4: He needs to have his own identity. I'm already scared that he's going to be a total shit like my hubby was when he was little (he got kicked out of preschool, okay). We don't need to seal the deal by giving him hubby's same name.

Number 5: My husband HATED that name growing up. Why in the HELL would he pass it on to our child who would inevitably hate it also? Come on... being called "Marshmallow Humps-for-free" sucked back then and it would suck now too.



Wtf, indeed.

"We just spent HOW MUCH on furniture for a BABY?!??" said husband...

Yay! We ordered the baby furniture!!! It should be here Friday, which is ironic considering that the room is nowhere NEAR being done (barely even started, to be truthful). Whatev. It's coming and I'm STOKED!!

Note: All furniture will be in the color "Espresso" to match our other bedroom furniture. I looooove it!
By the way... I should add in that I SUCK at keeping up on my postings. It's shitty because every day I think of things I want to post, and each night I go to bed kicking myself for not having even turned my computer on. I guess that's because I'm on a computer all day at work, so usually the last thing I want to do it be on one at home. But still... I have to be better about posting, because this is now my only record of what's happening thru this pregnancy, and NEWSFLASH... I don't have much longer left!!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Little Milestone

So, hubby felt the baby kick last night for the first time! Yay!

He has been so impatient about waiting there with his hand on the belly, waiting to see if the baby will kick (which he never does).

But last night, he was kicking HARD, and the timing was perfect.

The look on Marshall's face was priceless...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Got the Ball Rollin'...

Mission Accomplished!! We picked our bedding and theme for the baby room! Yay! I love it soooo much! The sweet thing is, hubby (who's an electrician in the union) loves this but said, "well, I just don't want our son to think he has to be a construction worker... I want better for him." Isn't that sweet?! :) I love that he's so concerned for him already. It melts my heart.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Bloggy Morning

Woot! Look at my beautiful little boy!!! And a boy he is, for sure! :) Check out the junk! Hahaha! Dad is very proud that it appears his young son is packin. Lol. I have to remind him how small the baby is still. But, looking good! We had our 21 week ultrasounds this last Monday and everything is healthy and right. The doctor was very pleased at how everything looked and says that both Mommy (hehe) and baby are right on-track. Check out the darling little nose in that profile. Ahhh. I am just swooning. I can't wait to meet him and see what he looks like. I imagne which qualities he'll have of mine and of Marshall. The possibilities are so exciting...
Okay, for Gods sake! I have to quit posting and get to cleaning out the to-be baby room! :)

What do you think?

I'm ready for a change. I'm getting into the "I'm feeling fat and ugly" part of pregnancy, and need to do something for myself that makes me feel good. Cutting my hair is out because 1) I love my long hair, and 2) my hubby would kill me if I cut it off, lol. But! Dying it is certainly an option! I just came across this picture the other night... Sassy, isn't it?!

I need feedback though.... what do you think?

Oh. My. God.

Who knows where I get these bright ideas.

Yesterday I surprised my husband when I told him that I had actually never seen a video of a child birth before. He thought it was required in sex-ed (kind of as a deterrent for teenagers). He remembers it being a horrific ordeal, and thought I was crazy to want to see it. He told me that he has no desire to see it again until we're personally having the baby (and even then he's not sure he'll be checking out the show south of the border). Well, this morning curiosity got the best of me. I was thinking, "shoot, I have to go through this myself, so why not see what it's all about?"

After watching about 2 1/2 videos, I give up. I agree with Marshall. There is absolutely NO reason to watch that. I'll wait until I'm birthing my own child, thank you very much.

I think I'm going to go vomit now.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Funerals, Memories, and The Belly

This weekend was interesting. I had to go to my uncle's funeral in Modesto, CA. It was quite bittersweet. Not just because of his death, but because of Modesto itself. Modesto was a place I spent countless weekends growing up. Both of my great grandmothers lived there. My parents, my brother and I went there all the time, and they were some of the best memories of my life. About 4 years back, my Noni died (one of my great g-mas that was 96 years old when she passed). Then 2 1/2 years ago or so my Gram (the other great g-ma who is now in the neighborhood of 95ish) was moved to Reno so she wasn't living alone. Since then, we hadn't been back to Modesto. It's not the same without staying in the whimsical home of Gram, with all the green trees and grape vines, flowers, wind chimes, pancakes in the mornings, saggy old bed on the porch, hours spent out back by the lemon trees talking... hmm. Well, despite our desire to leave Modesto as a sweet, dear memory, we still have to go back when stuff like this funeral comes up. It just sucks. It's not the same. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express. We drove by my Gram's old house and Noni's old house. They've both been sold and changed. It blows. But whatev. Still good to see family. So, moving on... a few pics to show.

Sarah at 20 weeks! Woot!

Big 'ol belly!!!

Here's the new Catholic church, Saint Stanislaus, that the funeral mass was held at. It was GORGEOUS. Looked just like one of the cathedrals in Italy.

Here are the handsome men I traveled with. On the far left is my little (well, younger) brother TJ, then my dad Tim, then on the right my Uncle Chris. Don't they look sharp? :)

The weekend went down without a hitch for the most part. I was the only female in the group as my brother's girlfriend stayed home, Mom had to work, and my Aunt Jane (Chris' wife) had to stay home with their twin boys (1 1/2 years old). Talk about testosterone city. And my favorite part? Every person within arms reach of me grabbin on the belly and commenting on how big my stomach is and am I sure I'm not having twins and oh my what a big boy this is going to be! I nearly punched 15 people in the face.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Shitty Weekend. Literally.

What a shit weekend.

Well, really, there was some good in there too.

So, it all started on Friday morning. I usually start work at 6am, but when my alarm went off at 4:15am, I wasn't feeling very well, so I decided to snooze and be into work by 8am. I slept in a bit, got in the shower at 6, then gave work a call to let them know I'd be in by 8. Now, every day when I'm getting ready, I watch a movie in the bathroom on the portable DVD player that my husband got me several years ago. I LOVE THIS. It is really one of the highlights of my day. I get to watch whatever I want, and it makes getting ready less boring. Well, last weekend when Marshall (my hubby) had been cleaning out the garage, he was using the DVD player out there. So this Friday morning, I went out to the garage after my shower to go get it, and realized that not only was it not there on the shelf, but our garage door was open as well. Hmm. Well, maybe Marshall left the door open by accident last night, and he had already brought the DVD player back in for me and I just hadn't realized it. Okay. So go back inside, check... no DVD player. Hmm. Back to the garage. Son of a bitch. Not only is the DVD player gone and the garage door open, but now I see that Marshall's big miter saw (whatever the hell a "miter" saw is... to me it's just a bit saw) is also gone from the shelf, the side-door to the backyard from the garage is also open, and the light outside that door is on. (Note: We don't ever leave that light on, because if we do it shines relentlessly into our bedroom, preventing us from sleeping; also, that back door was locked and closed when I fed our dog the night before.) So I run back in to wake up hubby and tell him that I think we were robbed. He jumps out of bed, and then confirms that his air compressor is also missing. Another call to work to let them know I'll be in whenever, since I was robbed and have to figure some shit out. Police come, take a report, give us our case number for our Residential Burglary. Hooray. Now we are out a saw, a portable DVD player, the movie Full Metal Jacket (which was in the DVD player), and an air compressor. None of which we're likely to ever see again. Damnit.

Jump forward a few hours to work. Time for lunch. Girlfriend Erin and I go to Chili's. I order a delicious looking plate of food, which I sort of pick at. I'm not super hungry. Not sure if it's because of my raging sinus infection and bronchitis. Get back to work. Go use the bathroom. Wash my hands. Then rush back into the stall and proceed to barf up my entire lunch and then some. Great. Super. I feel like shit now. Go tell my supervisor that I'm going to take the rest of the day off. One co-worker feels sorry for me, another co-worker looks at me like I'm a pussy with that "of course you're throwing up, you're pregnant" look. Nope, sorry sweetheart, this is not pregnancy-related throwing-up. I've only thrown up 2x while pregnant so far and both times have been a quick little gaggy-up-chuck... NOTHING like this. So I get home. I'm feeling very sorry for myself. Meanwhile, hubby is home installing dead-locks on our recently burglarized home.

Hours pass... I have since camped out either in the bathroom or on the couch, my body completely ridding itself of anything and everything possible. I am convinced that I either have the flu, or a sweet case of food poisoning from God knows what. Even more exciting is that I'm supposed to start my antibiotic horse pill for the crap-tastic bronchitis and sinus infection, which the pharmacist informed me would "upset my stomach" so to "take with food." Ha. Yeah. Right. As if that's a remote possibility at this point. Whatev. I'll just start it tomorrow.

All night and next day, no different. Still miserable. Trying to re-coop with lots of Gatorade. It's now Valentine's Day. We have reservations at a super nice restaurant that I've been looking forward to for 2 weeks. I'll be damned if I'm not going to eat until my heart's content. I'll just deal with the consequences later. So we go, and we have an INCREDIBLE dinner at David's Grill out at the Resort at Red Hawk where we were married this last June. Came home. Absolutely paid the price for eating all those tender sweet lamb chops, rich buttery mushroom risotto, melt-in-your-mouth petite fillet, orgasmic white-chocolate caramel bread pudding... aaaaaah... sooooo totally worth the pain.

Sunday was pretty tentative, but okay. Feeling weak because I'm COMPLETELY DEHYDRATED, but I'm chugging Gatorade like there's no tomorrow. Got a call from Mom. My Uncle died that morning (technically my great uncle, but not much difference to me)... he was an amazing, sweet man. Funeral will probably be next weekend in Modesto, CA. Damn. Get ready in my bathroom with no DVD player. Fuck. Tried to eat pizza. Regretted it. Went to the Reno Boat, RV & Home Show with hubby. Drooled over all the RVs. Went to Barnes & Noble. Got a new pregnancy journal and a board game. Went home. Ate Top Ramen for dinner (Have I mentioned that I really do love Top Ramen?) Then for the rest of the night layed around and played board games in front of a fire with my hubby. It was really nice. :)

So basically, the whole weekend has been a lot of shit mixed in with some pretty good times. It was a good weekend to spend time just Marshall and I. Maybe we sort of knew that with shit going so bad, we just needed each other.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Guy Gear

It's a boy!!!!!
Can't you tell?
Um, yeah. Surprise, surprise... the picture we were given is soooo hard to see. I was so disappointed when this was the picture our Doctor gave us, because when he was doing the ultrasound, it was all so clear! At that appointment, we begged to see if he'd look for us, since we weren't supposed to have another ultrasound until 3/2/09. He gave in, which was so nice of him! He looked and was showing us what's what... "okay, so it's as if your looking up at the baby like you're changing a diaper... the left leg is here, here's the right leg, and in between is what looks to be the junk." Okay, so he didn't call it junk, hehe. He told us not to go painting the room, but that it's a boy. I guess they have to say that? Dunno, but in my official, professional opinion, it was clear as day! My husband pointed out that he takes after his father. Hehe. (Watch it be a girl now, lol.) So we have the "official" diagnostic ultrasounds on 3/2/09, just to confirm what our Doctor told us, but I'd be super surprised to find out that he was wrong. I mean, come on... can a baby va-jay-jay be that big?! If so, yikes.

The Belly

Okay, so here they are... official belly shots! =D At this point I'm almost 19 weeks pregnant. And my belly is GIGANTIC. Supposedly I've only gained 4 lbs (as of my last appt 1 1/2 weeks ago). Apparently my stomach is pulling weight from unknown places (hopefully my ass), because it's feeling like more than 4 lbs! And no, I'm not having twins. In fact, if another person at work jokes about me having twins I might punch them in the face.

The side shot...

And this shows you what I see when I look down, hehe!

All in all, things are looking pretty good. I'm in good spirits, aside from the ass-kicking cold my dear, sweet husband gave me. And of course, with me it turns into a full-blown sinus infection. Ack. But I'm starting to feel better slowly, thank God. As it is, pregnancy has cast away most patience I had to begin with, and being sick is like the straw that broke that camel's back. I was bordering on preg-zilla this last Friday, so hubby is glad that normal Sarah (well, "pregnancy-normal Sarah," which is pretty damn far from "pre-pregnancy-normal Sarah") is back again. Things are pretty peachy as long as nobody pisses me off, hehe...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Old Wives Tales and TMI

16 weeks today! I'm almost starting my 5th month! HOLY SHIT! This time is flying by when you look at it like that.

So, let's get the update out of the way: Everything is peachy for the most part (knock on wood). I have only been sick once. Heartburn has really let up. I'm getting some more energy back (I can actually stay up past 10:00pm now!). I'm showing a TON so I don't just look like I'm getting fat. Yep, everything is pretty much peachy. Although, now I'm waiting for the ball to drop because my reasoning says it just can't be this easy. My husband in convinced that I'm going to start being miserable around the 6-month mark. He thinks I'll get sick of the belly and sick of pregnancy. I'm not so sure about that. I can see that coming around the 8 1/2 month point. He's referring to that point as my transition into "Pregzilla." Very clever, lol.

Okay, so I want to talk a little about the Old Wives Tales and all the little "when I was pregnant" or "my friend's baby" tid-bits that people feel the urge to spew forth our way when they see or hear of pregnancy.

First: Prediction of the sex.
I love that everyone has a way to predict the sex of your baby before even a doctor is able to do so. Any what do they base their decision on? Well, when I had first found out I was pregnant (which was super early, people... we're talking like a few weeks), a woman at work stopped, looked at my face, and declared that based on the weight gain in my face that I'm having a girl. That's right. Weight gain in my face. Then, another co-worker had me stand up and do a full turn-around, and assessed in a matter-of-fact way that I'm losing my hourglass curves around my waist (implying that I'm getting fat around my middle), which meant it was going to be a boy. The best is a third co-worker of mine. Each time she comes around she literally man-handles me. She has to grab the belly, feel my sides all the way around, shake me around a bit, then stand back and think for a minute. Then she's got some sort of "well, she's carrying it all in front..." or "she's getting butt-sy, so"... yeah. Now, prediction of the sex apparently isn't just made based on physical changes. It's also made based on how the pregnancy is going. As you just read above, I'm having a rather smooth, easy pregnancy so far. According to another co-worker, this means for sure that I'm having a girl. "If they're easy in the womb, they'll be tough when they're out!" Which apparently means that girls are tougher to raise then boys. But then, another woman will dispute that and say, "Oh no! If you're having an easy pregnancy than it's going to be a boy, for sure!" Love it.

Second: Comparison of Pregnancies.
Obviously pregnancy is a very common occurrence. Most woman experience it at least once in their lives. That then becomes a special link between women, so that if you never had anything in common with a particular person, you do now. This link is then taken advantage of by every passing woman in the grocery store, in the hair salon, at work, etc. Now, don't get me wrong! I love talking about pregnancy, and I love hearing all the great stories people have, and I could honestly talk about my pregnancy all day if given the opportunity. However. There is a type of woman that I'll call the "one-upper." This is the woman who doesn't really want to know about you. She just wants to let you know that her pregnancy was either much better, or much worse, than yours. For example, if I have been experiencing heart burn, she had it so bad that she was vomiting up stomach acid. Or, if I have been completely exhausted, she was so tired that she slept for a weeks straight at a time. On the flip-side of this, you have the "one-upper" who wants to rub in how much better her pregnancy was. If I point out that I've been too tired to exercise, she says, "Oh really?! I do yoga 6 days a week and still run every morning!" Or if I've gained 8 lbs already into the 2nd trimester, she only gained 4 all the way up until the middle of her 3rd trimester. Or the best example: my aunt. First of all, I loooove my aunt, and she's a rock-star for birthing twins about 1 1/2 years ago. But. Last Thanksgiving, in answer to my family's questions, I explained that I had been totally exhausted, had been having pretty bad heartburn and nausea, etc. She later piped up and said that she didn't understand women who had all the "cliche" pregnancy symptoms, she never felt any of that and she was even pregnant with twins! Well, you just learn to let that stuff roll off your back because it's not the last time you'll hear it.

Third: Horrors of pregnancy, labor, and birth.
This might be my favorite. As if being pregnant for the first time isn't scary enough, now it's time for all the wack-jobs to tell you about how AWFUL their labor was, or the HORRIBLE birth defects their children were born with. For example: I was talking to a co-worker about the Downs Syndrome testing we were going to do that week, and for some reason my co-worker though this would be an appropriate time to tell me about her niece who was born with HORRIBLE birth defects. And not just that, but the whole story about how it wasn't detected with all the testing, then at birth the baby had club hands and feet, brain and head problems, retardation, etc. She even showed me a picture of the poor girl (now 15 or so) to bring it all home. I just don't get it. As insecure and scared as I am going into my own testing, why in the HELL would you bring that shit up?! Thank you for that. It's my favorite.

Again, I really love hearing about other people's pregnancies! It's just so funny how some people completely lack tact as far as this is all concerned.

Have you gals been victim to this too? I'd love to hear your stories... comment away, please!!