Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Guy Gear

It's a boy!!!!!
Can't you tell?
Um, yeah. Surprise, surprise... the picture we were given is soooo hard to see. I was so disappointed when this was the picture our Doctor gave us, because when he was doing the ultrasound, it was all so clear! At that appointment, we begged to see if he'd look for us, since we weren't supposed to have another ultrasound until 3/2/09. He gave in, which was so nice of him! He looked and was showing us what's what... "okay, so it's as if your looking up at the baby like you're changing a diaper... the left leg is here, here's the right leg, and in between is what looks to be the junk." Okay, so he didn't call it junk, hehe. He told us not to go painting the room, but that it's a boy. I guess they have to say that? Dunno, but in my official, professional opinion, it was clear as day! My husband pointed out that he takes after his father. Hehe. (Watch it be a girl now, lol.) So we have the "official" diagnostic ultrasounds on 3/2/09, just to confirm what our Doctor told us, but I'd be super surprised to find out that he was wrong. I mean, come on... can a baby va-jay-jay be that big?! If so, yikes.

1 comment:

Steph said...


And thanks for visiting my blog:)