Monday, December 1, 2008

A Step in the Right Direction

I've been avoiding this blog.

Back in August, I needed somewhere to spew my emotional hurricane. This was the place. Anonymous, therefore I could be nothing but totally honest. And I was, and it felt great. But now, several months later, I'm looking to move on from all that. I need to let go of that negativity to embrace the wonder that is unfolding in my life! So I logged back in and re-read all my previous blogs. I got to re-live the hurt, anger and betrayal for a few minutes, get lost a bit in the memories, and then purge it all by pressing the dreaded DELETE IT button. Ugh. I wish I was more knowledgeable about blogging. I'm sure there's a way to hide certain posts rather than delete them, but if there is a way I don't know of it. So I deleted them. It's a little sad. They were so raw and so heartfelt. There were so few times I truly got to vent uncensored. Oh well. I think it had to happen for me to move on (in this blog, at least). It's not like the memories are gone... unfortunately there is not DELETE IT button in my mind. Luckily though, they fade to the back of my mind a little more each day, allowing me to let go and move on.

So now I'm back... though, the jury is still out on what exactly "back" means. :) I've never been a dedicated blogger, but I'm going to try, because there are amazing things happening in my life and I want to share them!

It feels good to move on...

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