I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!
I'm 8 weeks today! (I think)... My first doctor appointment is on December 9th (1 week from tomorrow!). It's my husband and my first child, and we're so excited! I've been online reading and calculating and I think that my due date will be July 13, 2008.
It's so exciting and so special. I've wanted this for soooo long, and I thought I'd have to wait for years and years! My husband and I are both 26, have been dating for 8 1/2 years, have been married since June of 2008. Anytime he was asked by anyone about having kids, his response was either "I'd be happy never having kids" or "Yeah, in about 20 years." Riiiiight. 20 years when I'm going through menopause? Great. So talk about surprised when I came home one night in the beginning of October to find that my husband had thrown my birth control away. Yes! Thrown away! As in, in the garbage! He made sure to tell me that this didn't mean we needed to start trying right away. Ha! That comment didn't hold up too well in the bedroom that night, or the next night, or the following weeks after. Now in retrospect, he honestly didn't believe it would happen so quickly... he thought it was going to take months and months! All that talk about getting the pill out of your system and such. I wasn't sure either... it could have turned out that we had fertility problems or something like that. So as much as I wanted it to happen right away, I didn't believe it would either. I probably took 20 pregnancy tests, all of which came back negative. Then on Friday morning of November 7th (four days after my last negative test), I was still wondering when that wonderful Aunt Flo would come to visit, so I took another test. This one was going to be just the same as the others... I really didn't look at it, just set it aside while I turned on the shower. Then I saw the test line showing up. Am I losing my mind? It's too early in the morning and my eyes are just fuzzy. I'm imagining things. But no... it got darker and darker. HOLY SHIT!!!! NO WAY, NO FREAKING WAY. I grabbed another test immediately, and sure enough that one was positive too.
So here I am! Pregnant! I can't wait to go see the doctor next Tuesday. That's when we'll know if everything is healthy and going well. We should be able to see and hopefully hear the heartbeat. We'll maybe get to find out if it's twins or not (my husband and I both have twins in our families).
I can't wait to blog about it all as I go. I know my husband gets a little sick of hearing "all pregnancy, all the time" so this way I can divert some of it here.
Thanks for the congrats! And you're more than welcome about the comment... I love your blog and was apaalled (!!!) when that person left that comment, so I had to say my piece. :)
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